Download your measurement data with Reports

Learn how to download your measurement data for select time ranges and datasources

1. Log into Dashboard and navigate to the Datasources tab.

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2. Select your desired datasources. Click on the Actions menu and select Download measurements.

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3. In the dialog that opens select the measurement frequency and the time range of the data you wish to download.

Note: Reports are not generated using real-time data. The latest reading available in a report will typically be 15-30 minutes behind the current time. 

Optionally: you can change the file format of the report and the style of the labels in the advanced section. 

For more information on the different options see the Report Options section.

When you are finished select Submit request at the bottom of the dialog. 

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4. After you submit your request you'll be redirected to the the Reports page where you can download your report. You can return to this page at any time by selecting the Reports tab in the side navigation. 

It will take some time for your request to process, the more data that is requested the longer the processing will take. 

You can update the status of your request by selecting refresh on the reports page. 

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5. The data is available to download when the status of your request changes to Ready.

To download the data, select the table row of the request you want to download. Click on the Actions menu and select Download report. This will kick off a download in your web browser with the data file. 

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Report Options

Below is an description of the different options you can select when generating a report.


Output Frequency

  • Minute - Used to obtain individual samples from a datasource, these contain everything that the device sends to Clarity.
  • Hour - Used to obtain the hourly aggregations of the measurements from a datasource.
  • Day - Used to obtain the daily aggregations of the measurements. Note that a day is defined in UTC.



  • CSV Wide - This is the default file format and will generate the measurement data in a CSV file.
  • Parquet Wide - Generates the measurements in Apache Parquet  format. 



Labels define how the metrics will be labeled in the report. 

  • Default or Canonical - This format is recommend for scripts because each metric is uniquely described in an easy to parse format. Example: pm2_5ConcMass1HourMean.raw
  • English - A human readable version of the label. These labels contain spaces and commas making the report easier to read but less suitable for using in scripts and code.  Example: PM2.5 mass concentration, 1-hour mean raw
  • Legacy - This label is the style that was previously used by Clarity. These labels are ambiguous as the same label could represent multiple different output frequencies. It is recommended that these labels only be used for maintaining compatibility with existing code, and we recommend that you migrate to the Default label style. Example: pm2_5ConcMass.raw