Learn how to share live air quality data with your community with Clarity OpenMap
We do not share your data publicly without your permission. The data collected from your network are set as private as default.
The Org Admin has permissions to make select or all data public and share directly to Clarity OpenMap. Here's how to do so:
1. Login to the Clarity Dashboard.
2. Navigate to Datasources page.
3. Select the Datasource you would like to make public from the Current Datasources table.
3. Select About Datasource from the Action dropdown. The About Datasource page will load. Learn more about the About Datasource page here (article forthcoming!)
4. Click on the Edit button next to Open Data. A popup will open to allow you to toggle Open the data and allow you to enter a public name for the datasource. This name does not need to be the same as the Name you have internally for this datasource.
5. Click Update to save changes.
6. Return to the Datasources page to make other datasources open if needed.
Once you make your data public, everyone on internet can download it and use it as they wish.