Reference Monitor FAQs

Reference monitor data is an important part of your air quality network and is easily accessible through the Clarity dashboard

1. Within what distance of the Clarity nodes are reference monitors automatically populated on Dashboard?

Any reference monitors with public available data that are part of the list of partners below within 10,000 meters (6.21 miles) of a deployed Clarity Node will appear on Clarity Dashboard.

2. If I change a Clarity node's location, how do I access the relevant reference monitors?

You will need to reconfigure your node with the new coordinates. Then, the relevant reference monitors will appear within the next 24 hours.

3. How do I remove reference monitors from a previous node location?

Please reach out to with your request!

4. Where does the reference monitor data come from?

We access reference data through the following partners:

  • European Environment Agency - European Union
  • OpenAQ
  • AirNow

5. Why are reference monitor data important?

Collocating your Clarity node(s) with a reference monitor is a critical step in calibration, which is necessary in order to provide accurate and reliable data. You can read more about collocation here and calibration here.