What's next for the Clarity API?

Take a sneak peek at the changes in store for the Clarity API in 2023.

March 2023

What's coming

The Clarity API is evolving to make it more powerful and better serve you. In the last year, you’ve seen new v2 endpoints for better reporting on your devices (Nodes and accessory Modules) and their status. Next, we will be offering improved endpoints for Datasources and Measurements. 

This article is a friendly, early heads-up about changes that are in the works – not final – but where we want to keep you in the loop. If you are maintaining copies of Clarity identifiers in your own database, we want you to stay ahead of these changes. 

And a big thank you for all your feedback. Learning about how you are using the API is what helps us to make these improvements.

January 2024:  After reading the details below, see the migration guide: Fetching measurements from the API: Migrating from v1 to v2

Datasources and Subscriptions

In v1 a datasourceId is an amalgamation of concepts that we want to distinguish going forward - and thus we needed to create new identifiers. The independent v2 concepts are: datasource, source and subscription, described below.  This significant change will enable the following, all coming in the future:

  • Replace a failed device with a new one and have the timeline of measurements continue uninterrupted, across devices
  • Re-deploy an existing device for a new monitoring purpose and have there be independent measurement timelines for each deployment
  • Easily share a dataflow from a datasource with another organization 
  • Easier renewals/extensions of subscriptions, independent of the current device that powers a datasource

To achieve these goals, we're bidding farewell to v1 datasources and introducing new v2 concepts:

  1. Datasource - A dataflow, regardless of what equipment is generating that data
  2. Source - The underlying origin of the measurement data, whether that be the current Clarity Node or the reference site that is generating the data
  3. Subscription - The permission granted to an organization to access and view data flowing from a Datasource

Historical data

Accessing large data files of historical measurements is difficult because of the limitation that you can only pull a “page” of measurements at a time (a limited number of measurements for the synchronous API). We are working to build an alternative API for submitting a request for a file that can then be downloaded. This will eliminate the need to have incremental fetch-and-assemble of a large dataset.

Implications on endpoints

Because a datasource will be able to bridge measurements across original & replacement devices, there will be endpoints both for reporting measurements at the datasource level and for reporting measurements from just one underlying source (A specific Clarity Node or reference site).


In the Request:



What is changing



The value will be the same. 

Renamed to nodeId in v2 (distinguishes from moduleId)



This is a legacy ID that will go away.

Will be replaced with a modern datasource ID of the same name.



Currently optional. Will become required



Will go away. Is already duplicated by outputFrequency

skip and limit


Will go away in favor of a better way to perform paginated requests. For large datasets, we will favor historical file requests



Will go away in favor of standard AQIs in the characteristics

In the Response:



What is changing


Will go away


Will go away


Will go away. Is already duplicated by outputFrequency


In the Request:



What is changing



Currently optional. Will become required

In the Response:



What is changing



This is a legacy ID that will go away.

Will be replaced with a modern datasource ID of the same name.