How to share your Clarity air monitoring network on your website

Embed a Custom Clarity OpenMap Link

This is the easiest option, but note that OpenMap does not include NO2 data. An AB617 project in Sacramento has done this on their website here.

You'll first need to give Clarity permission to publish your data on OpenMap. After sharing on Clarity OpenMap, you can create a custom Clarity OpenMap link that shows your project area like the one below, and embed that link in an iframe on a project website.,-95.3507516,10.6

To center on your network, you will need to edit the BOLDED text to fit your project. In the example URL above:

  • 29.7903138 is the latitude
  • -95.3507516 is the longitude
  • 10.6 is the zoom level (greater values will zoom in)

Code a Custom Dashboard

Using our API. This requires some coding, but allows you to develop something customized to your project. Several of our projects are using our API for a custom public Dashboard, including UCLA and Breathe London.

Create an ArcGIS Online Dashboard

If you already use ArcGIS Online and want to share the Clarity data along with other geospatial data this might be a good option. If there are any individuals who you want to have access to all of the data, you can always add them as users to the Dashboard, which gives them full access to view the data there.