Troubleshooting Accessory Module Alarms

The accessory module will send data through the Clarity Node-S. To ensure the accessory module is working correctly, the module must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be physically connected to the Clarity Node-S
  2. Be paired to the same Clarity Node-S using the Clarity Dashboard

If either of these steps is not correctly completed, a few alarms may appear:



Troubleshooting Steps

Module not responding

The Clarity Node is unable to communicate with the module

If a module is connected to the Node, check the connection on the module and the Node. Unplug and re-plug in both. Listen for module-specific sounds according to your module type:

Unpaired module detected

The Clarity Node has detected a module is present, but no module was paired to the Node. 

Pair the module on Clarity Dashboard using the guides for each module:

Module paired but not detected

The Clarity Node was paired with a module, but no module has been detected by the Node.

If the module is connected to the Node, check the connection either on the module or on the Node. Unplug and re-plug in both.  Listen for module-specific sounds according to your module type:

If the module has been disconnected from the Node, unpair the module from the Node to avoid this alarm in the future. See instructions here: How to unpair your accessory module from your Clarity device

Module power error

The Node is having issues in powering the module

Verify the module is paired correctly. See instructions here: How to unpair your accessory module from your Clarity device

If the module is paired correctly, please contact our Support team and we will get back to you shortly.

If these steps are not resolving the issue or if you have questions, please contact our Support team and we will get back to you shortly.